But That's Just Me

Thoughts On End Time Bible Prophecy

New Wine With Jesus {High watch time this year for New Wine is August 4th-15th}

WELL worth the 2 hours. If you can't listen to the whole thing then break it up over a couple of days but it IS worth  your time. LOOK UP! Jesus is coming for his bride SOON!   New Wine With Jesus {High watch time this year for New Wine is August 4th-15th} *...

It is what it is….

Two videos to consider. Tons of back up information in Zac's video. I'll post his first. It is long but just hear it all out and check out the back ups for what he is saying to confirm it for yourself. Don't just cut him off. Please just hear it all out and then...

Considering 2024 – Is The World Ripe For Rapture?

If you ever felt that tug in your gut to get saved...It is NOW...Please do it and don't put it off! It's coming and it is speeding towards us like a train with no breaks....You have a choice to make. Please take the time to listen/watch Tyler's video below. Visit his...

Dr. David Reagan Decodes the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS

*** TRUTH!!! 👇👇👇***   Dr. David Reagan Decodes the MIDDLE EAST CRISIS {Video is ONLY 38 mins long!} What exactly is going on between Israel and Hamas from a biblical perspective? Find out with Dr. David Reagan as he preaches at Brookhaven Church in McKinney,...

5 Things Science Cannot Explain (but Theism Can)

The Limits of Science and Danger of Scientism The heart of scientism is the conviction that science can explain virtually everything. If there is not a valid scientific explanation for an event or state, then that is not properly an object of our knowledge. In...

Iriosal's Thoughts

Iriosal is a co-blogger and fellow watcher.

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The Office Pam Beesly GIFfrom The Office GIFs Yup! It's still being set up right before your eyes. Just as God FORE-told about in his word. TODAY is the best day for salvation. ⌛   See this for a little background and then watch the videos: Does the Bible...

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Are you AAOx4? (Awake, Alert and Oriented times 4)

Are you AAOx4? (Awake, Alert and Oriented times 4)

One if many who I follow is Tony at A Minute to Midnight. I've shared his videos and links before. Today he shared this article below and I thought it was pretty good so I'm sharing it as well. It's a bit long but worth the time. Check it out...     Are you...

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It’s The New Year, 2024…

It’s The New Year, 2024…

It's the new year (2024). And, the world continues to be set up for the Antichrist one world Beast government that will rule in the Tribulation. It is actually ready to go now. It really only needs a big major chaotic event to get it going. Still, I pray that people...

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Things You Should Know In Relation To Israel Being At War

Things You Should Know In Relation To Israel Being At War

Two videos with valuable information that you need to know if you did not already. For those who would like actual facts and truth here they are below....   WAR in ISRAEL! | Hosts: Tim Moore & Nathan Jones (ONLY 28 mins long}   The Two-Minute Warning –...

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Israel, Bible Prophecy & the Coming Apocalypse @ (R$E)

Israel, Bible Prophecy & the Coming Apocalypse @ (R$E)

*** UPDATE ADDED BELOW ... VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH BILL SALUS *** This was an excellent discussion in the video I share below! Please take the time to listen. It's only about an hour long. ALL of these events of the day have been prophesied in God's word for the last...

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THIS!!! Again Another Excellent Video by Pastor Sholto!

THIS!!! Again Another Excellent Video by Pastor Sholto!

I'm just going to post Pastor Sholto's 30 min video and under that Pastor JD Farag's. They cover it all and nothing more needs to be added by me. Some perspective on Israel   2 MINUTE VIDEOS: Former Prince of Hamas speaks out HAMAS FOUNDER'S Son CONVERTS to...

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Prayers for Israel and The Jewish People!

Prayers for Israel and The Jewish People!

I wanted to put this idea out to those who are praying for Israel...PLEASE pray this with me every day before they start harming the hostages and posting it on social media platforms as they have threatened!! My prayers have been for the Lord to please show any one...

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Time IS SHORT! Don’t Grow Weary!

Time IS SHORT! Don’t Grow Weary!

Just a short post to say, if you haven't seen this video yet then, please watch it! And remember, TODAY is the BEST day for your salvation!! You are fast running out of tomorrows to receive Jesus' FREE gift of salvation before the Tribulation begins!!! Tom Hughes and...

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